Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Our Infographic

Hello everybody!

In this post I would like to show you the importance of working by groups and the challenges we need to accomplish.

First of all, we have been allocated to a team according to the topic we have presented in our prototype (another challenge we need to do before), all the members of my group have worked on animals.

Our perfect team is formed by these members:

Guillermo Lagarejos:

María Collado:

Laura Pérez:

Marina Goizueta:

Teresa Martín:

We make a perfect team!

I´ve realised that group work helps spark creativity in the minds of the group members giving them a huge range of ideas as they work to get close with solutions for organizational problems. Moreover, working by groups give us the perfect opportunity to come up with great results, as you are going to see.  

Working with INFOGRAPHIC is a very illustrative way to show our students whatever we want as teachers of primary education. Any content of any subject could be taught through a project with Infographic.
For us, while we were doing this challenge, we realised that working on "Infographic" is a very helpful tool to summarize in a visual way any content.

In order to carry out our Infrographic, we have used the following webtools:

PIKTOCHART:  it is a good webtool which contains lots of free templates to design a good infographic. Moreover, we used it because it is accessible to students and we can work on it at school.

AURASMA, to work on the fantastic world of "Augmented reality": we have explained the intructions to use this webtool in our infographic. 

Here you have the infographic:

In addition, we had the pleasure to participate in a infoedugraphic project, we sent our work and they published it in their blog.

Here it is the link to it.

They also gave us an award:


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